The appliances are in! The mason came yesterday to clear back a bit of the rubble to widen the door to get them in. Sadly it was just not quite enough. However, I was bound and determined not to send them back again, nor put them on the frst floor (coming in the front door).
To be honest it was kinda fun to smash things up a bit. The (what I have taken to calling) fieldstone crumbled a bit more than i would have liked and for a spilt second I thought the entire basement wall might crumble. In the end I smashed out enough of the rocks to get clearance. Next I got to use my trusty new reciprocating saw. You will note in the picture (as I know there are a few newbies out there today, click pic to enlarge) that the door has been removed, and I basically sawed off the door jam at just enough clearance to get the washer and dryer in.
Thought we were good to go-- but no. We get to the small passage into the laundry room and realized it is a half inch to narrow. We stripped away the drywall, did a bit of futzing, and they slid in barely. The delivery guys hooked them up and turned them on and presto! The one thing that was a bit concerning is I think the people who had the house before us vented their dryer into the basement. They must have had some sort of closed vent thingy that uses water or some such to pull out particulates. Anyone ever heard of such a system?
As you can see Michael is... hmm I'm not exactly sure what he is in this photo. Ah, the domesticity of having a washer and dryer delivered on your anniversary
Yes -- i had a sort of bucket arrangement on Dearborn Street where the dryer hose went into a closed bucket full of water. You dumped it regularly -- it seemed to work ok. I got it at the appliance store, I think.
Posted by: ivy | 2004.11.29 at 07:39