uh, yeah, well, hi? anyone still out there? time to put our money where our mouth's been. eww...
Marvel's 30" Refrigerated Drawer -- freezer chest in the basement.
Elmira's Northstar Range and Hood -- Mint Green!
Kliptech's Paperstone Certified -- We're thinking lab tables.
Tomorrow we talk to a cabinet maker about our base units and pick out a stainless steel undermount sink and fixtures. Monday we'll go back to Bettencourt Green Product Supplies in Williamsburg to order the Paperstone and look at cork floor tiles. Shame we didn't know about them before we filled the walls with pink stuff; we'd thought about using recycled denim but couldn't find anyone selling at the retail level.
Soon as the Panasonic Whisperline Ventilation Fan arrives we can mount the venting and start closing up those soffits. Yee-haw!
"Northstar ranges start at approximately $4,000" Damn nice range for that kinda $. Where you been putting your mouth ot get that kinda cash ;)
Posted by: The Boy | 2006.11.15 at 18:50