I lived on 10th street in the East village for 14 years. While there, I built bookcases out of 5/4" mahogany planks. I custom built a lot of the furniture in that apartment so it *appeared* to be larger than it really was. Clever enough to be featured in the Habitat section of the times back in 2002. A lot has changed since then.
When I moved out I couldn't part with the mahogany. I always wanted to make something else out of the lumber. It seemed like such a waste of precious rain forest material, getting rid of it felt criminal (yes I know, how'd I get it to begin with? long story, some other time.)
For years I've carted those planks around. Hoping to one day make something. That day finally came. Since Friday Michael and I have been at my friends', Peary and BK's, house up in North Western Connecticut, busy as bees.
Peary's an amazing craftsman and graciously let us use his shop to finish a half a dozen projects that needed a table saw or more "specialized" furniture making tools to really get right.
In addition to all the shop time they're both avid bird watchers, well nature watcher of all kind for that matter, and we went on a great walk through the preserve near their house.
Great weekend, great to be away and focused. If you're a true must-know craft geek click on the picture of the finished product up top and you can see more of the steps in the process via my flickr stream.
I can't wait to eat on that beautiful table in a few weeks!
Posted by: Jeff | 2008.11.09 at 14:12