Second round of who-knows-how-many prepping trim boards. Primer both seals the wood and raises the grain, which when sanded results in a smooth, slick surface for the paint. Is that totally obvious to everyone? Takes time, of course, but fortunately the primer soaks in and dries fast. Result looks almost stained.
This time we cut the boards before finishing. Curious to see if it makes any difference to installation. For example, if a board needs to be slightly trimmed then end will need to be repainted. Not a biggy -- on par with cutting away a bit of pre-painted board. Exciting stuff.
All in the wind-up for tomorrow's pitch when remaining third floor base boards are installed. Windows will take a few more days; need to finish the frames before installing trim, but that's pretty much the last reno task on that floor. That IS exciting. From attic to bedroom/studio in how many days?
But for now, hallway looks like a chocoholic's fever dream. I'll pass on the Oompa-Loompas.
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