We officially have a column of cedar running through the house (technically we still have a couple of errant pieces to install, but for practical purposes it has been checked off the list). I'm still getting used to it. It's beautiful in a way I hadn't expected. The one big massive run (click photo to left) is really only visible when you are in the stairwell. Once you in any particular room it's just a small lick of detail in one corner.
Tomorrow the board walk is supposed to be laid. Let's see what it looks like when we add yet another wood grain next to it!
day 15: details
I've hit the half way point on my thirty day vacation-and-blogging spree. Today was an OK day at best. We're to a place where there aren't a lot of big jobs to do, rather scads of small ones. Around the house, various unfinished "tricky" places need drywall. A prime example, Michael bit the bullet and began addressing the kitchen-to-hallway transition. To square the original doorframe, now 2-1/2" out of plumb, he shimmed a plywood column around two sides. Big challenge was to preserve at least a 32" passage, so great lengths were taken to keep thickness of material to a minimum.
The other detail (and no small one at that) addressed today was less house and more house blog. We've been tagging content for a while now, and to be honest our categories sucked. They were created over time, didn't really encompass the project, and were poor information-design at best. Additionally, our friends over at houseblogs.net started using tags for discussion forums. This is a smart use of Web 2.0 networking, which essentially let the tags provide the forum. Housblogs.net is a great site. Most of our traffic comes through that portal, and I consider them an invaluable resource.
I'll leave search-engine optimization for another discussion. In meantime, I'd like to get a simple search going soon too; stand by.
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